OPAL Helm Chart for Kubernetes
OPAL is an administration layer for Open Policy Agent (OPA), detecting changes to both policy and policy data in realtime and pushing live updates to your agents.
OPAL brings open-policy up to the speed needed by live applications. As your application state changes (whether it's via your APIs, DBs, git, S3 or 3rd-party SaaS services), OPAL will make sure your services are always in sync with the authorization data and policy they need (and only those they need).
Installation Guide
OPAL Helm chart could be installed only with Helm 3. The chart is published to public Helm repository, hosted on GitHub itself. It's recommended to install OPAL into a dedicated namespace.
Add Helm repository
$ helm repo add opal https://permitio.github.io/opal-helm-chart
$ helm repo update
Install the latest version
$ helm install --create-namespace -n opal-ns myopal opal/opal
Search for all available versions
$ helm search repo opal --versions
Deploy OPAL to your Kubernetes cluster
Install specific version (with default configuration):
$ helm install --create-namespace -n opal-ns --version x.x.x myopal opal/opal
Install specific version (with custom configuration provided as YAML):
$ helm install -f myvalues.yaml --create-namespace -n opal-ns --version x.x.x myopal opal/opal
must conform to the json schema.
Verify installation
OPAL Client should populate embedded OPA instance with polices and data from configured Git repository. To validate it - one could create port-forwarding to OPAL client Pod. Port 8181 is the embedded OPA agent.
$ kubectl port-forward -n opal-ns service/myopal-client 8181:8181
Then, open http://localhost:8181/v1/data/
in your browser to check OPA data document state.