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Download OPAL Docker Images

How to get the OPAL images from Docker Hub

Image NameHow to DownloadDescription
OPAL Serverdocker pull permitio/opal-server
  • Creates a Pub/Sub channel clients subscribe to
  • Tracks a git repository (via webhook / polling) for updates to policy and static data
  • Accepts data update notifications via Rest API
  • Serves default data source configuration for clients
  • Pushes policy and data updates to clients
OPAL Clientdocker pull permitio/opal-client
  • Prebuilt with an OPA agent inside the image
  • Keeps the OPA agent cache up to date with realtime updates pushed from the server
  • Can selectively subscribe to specific topics of policy code (rego) and policy data
  • Fetches data from multiple sources (e.g. DBs, APIs, 3rd party services)
OPAL Client (Standalone)docker pull permitio/opal-client-standalone
  • Same as OPAL Client, you want only one of them
  • This image does not come with OPA installed
  • Intended to be used when you prefer to deploy OPA separately in its own container
  • How to get the OPAL images from Docker Hub