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Setup OPAL as Python Packages using the CLI

This guide will teach you how to setup the OPAL Server & Client as a series of python packages using the CLI.

This guide will give you a great insight into understanding the main configurations of OPAL. If you prefer to run OPAL with pre-built docker images, please follow the guide here.


This guide requires that you have python 3.7 or greater installed.

Ideally, install OPAL into a clean virtual-env would make the workflow easier.

Setup up the OPAL Client

Installing the package

Firstly, let's instll the opal-client.

pip install opal-client

Installing OPA

Next, we will need to install the policy-agent, or in other words OPA to run alongside the OPAL Client.

For installing OPA, please follow [these instructions](

If you would like OPAL to execute OPA for you, and act as a watchdog for OPA, we need to make sure it can find the OPA program and make it executable. To do this, please follow the guidance here, but below is an example of what needs to be added.

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/file

If you are currently in the directory where you will be adding OPA, you can run:

export PATH=$PATH:~

The client needs network access to this agent to be able to administer updates to it.

Running the OPAL Client and OPA

To view the general commands and options offered by the opal-client command, please run:

opal-client --help

If you need to learn about specific run option configurations and help, please run:

opal-client run --help

Running the OPAL Client:

opal-client run

Just like the server, all top-level options can be configured using environment-variables files like .env / .ini and command-line options.

The key options to be aware of:
  • Use options starting with --server to control how the client connects to the server. You will mainly need --server-url to point at the server.

  • Use options starting with --client-api- to control how the client's API service is running.

  • Use --data-topics to control which topics for data updates the client would subscribe to.

  • Use --policy-subscription-dirs to declare what directories in the repository we should subscribe to.

Client install & run recording

Setting up the OPAL Server

Installing the package

As the first step, we need to install the OPAL server. Once installed, we will have access to the opal-server command.

pip install opal-server

If the command continues to be unavailable, please try deactivationg and then activating your virtual-env.

You can run opal-server --help to see all the options and commands the package provides.

Running the opal-server print-config shows you all the possible configuration keys and their current values.

Demo of successfull installation

Running the server

Running the OPAL server is simple.

run server

You can run the server by typing opal-server run in your terminal.

Once the server is running you can check out its Open-API live docs at as simple documentation or a redoc layout.

Make sure that your server is running on localhost:7002 to be able to view the above links.

Polling Policy from GIT

The most basic way to run the server is just with a GIT repository to watch for policy-changes and have the flexiblity to get the policy directly.

The simplest of these is using a public repository, and simply polling on it with OPAL_POLICY_REPO_URL and OPAL_POLICY_REPO_POLLING_INTERVAL.

Monitor the OPAL Server every 60 seconds
OPAL_POLICY_REPO_URL=  opal-server --policy-repo-polling-interval 60 run
A video example of running the above command

Policy GIT Webhook

A better GIT watching can be achieved via configuring a webhook back to the OPAL_SERVER's webhook route. Let's assume your server is hosted on The webhook URL will be


If you need more guidance on configuting webhooks, checkout the GitHub Guide.

Create a secret you can share with a webhook provider

You can use opal-server generate-secret to create a cryptographically strong secret to use.

Then use OPAL_POLICY_REPO_WEBHOOK_SECRET to configure a secret you can share with the webhook provider to authenticate incoming webhooks.

Additional GIT repository settings

Here are some settings that will be useful in adding more control.


This will allow you to authenticate to a private repository. You can generate a Github SSH key here.

The value you pass for the POLICY_REPO_SSH_KEY can either be a file path, or the contents of the SSH-key - with newlines replaced with \_.


These will allow you to control how the repo is cloned.

Simple run with Data source configuration

In addition to policy updates as seen in above section, the OPAL Server can also facilitate data updates, directing OPAL Clients to fetch the needed data from various sources.

You can learn more about triggering data updates here.

Running the Server and Client in Secure Mode

Server Secure Mode

OPAL-server can run in secure mode, signing and verifying Json Web Tokens for the connecting OPAL-clients. To achieve this we need to provide the server with a private and public key pair. In addition we need to provide the server with a master-token (random secret) that the CLI (or other tools) could use to connect to ask it and generate the aforementioned signed-JWTs.

  • Generating encryption keys

    • Using a utility like ssh-keygen we can easily generate the keys (on Windows try SSH-keys Windows guide)
      ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -m pem
      follow the instructions to save the keys to two files.
    • If you created the keys with a passphrase, you can supply the passphrase to the server via the OPAL_AUTH_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE option
    • You can provide the keys to OPAL-server via the OPAL_AUTH_PRIVATE_KEY and OPAL_AUTH_PUBLIC_KEY options
    • in these vars You can either provide the path to the keys, or the actual strings of the key's content (with newlines replaced with "_")
  • Master-secret

    • You can choose any secret you'd like, but to make life easier OPAL's CLI include the generate-secret command, which you can use to generate cryptographically strong secrets easily.
      opal-server generate-secret
    • provide the master-token via OPAL_AUTH_MASTER_TOKEN
  • run the server with both keys and and master-secret

    # Run server
    # in secure mode -verifying client JWTs (Replace secrets with actual secrets ;-) )
    # (Just to be clear `~` is the user's homedir)
    export OPAL_AUTH_PRIVATE_KEY=~/opal
    export OPAL_AUTH_PUBLIC_KEY=~/
    opal-server run
  • Once the server is running we can obtain a JWT identifying our client

    • We can either obtain a JWT with the CLI
      opal-client obtain-token $OPAL_AUTH_MASTER_TOKEN --server-url=$YOUR_SERVERS_ADDRESS
    • Or we can obtain the JWT directly from the deployed OPAL server via its REST API:
curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer MY_MASTER_TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"type": "client",

This code example assumes your opal server is at and that your master token is MY_MASTER_TOKEN. The /token API endpoint can receive more parameters, as documented here.

Client Secure Mode

  • Using the master-token you assigned to the server obtain a client JWT

    opal-client obtain-token $OPAL_AUTH_MASTER_TOKEN --server-url=$YOUR_SERVERS_ADDRESS

    You can also use the REST API to obtain the token.

  • run the client with env-var OPAL_CLIENT_TOKEN or cmd-option --client-token to pass the JWT obtained from the server

    opal-client run

Running the OPAL Server and Client in Production

Production run Server

When running the server in production, we should set the server to work with a production server (GUNICORN) and a backbone pub/sub.


Simply use the run command with the --engine-type gunicorn option.

opal-server run --engine-type gunicorn
  • (run opal-server run --help to see more info on the run command)
  • use --server-worker-count to control the amount of workers (default is set to cpu-count)
  • You can of course put another server or proxy (e.g. NGNIX, ENVOY) in front of the OPAL-SERVER, instead of or in addition to Gunicorn

Backbone Pub/Sub

  • While OPAL-servers provide a lightweight websocket pub/sub channel for the clients; in order for all OPAL-servers (workers of same server, and of course servers on other nodes) to be synced (And in turn their clients to be synced) they need to connect through a shared channel - which we refer to as the backbone pub/sub or broadcast channel.
  • Backbone Pub/Sub options: Kafka, Postgres LISTEN/NOTIFY, Redis
  • Use the broadcast-uri option (or OPAL_BROADCAST_URI env-var) to configure an OPAL-server to work with a backbone.
  • for example OPAL_BROADCAST_URI=postgres://localhost/mydb opal-server run

Put it all together

OPAL_BROADCAST_URI=postgres://localhost/mydb opal-server run --engine-type gunicorn

Production run Client

Unlike the server, the opal-client currently supports working only with a single worker process (so there's no need to run it with Gunicorn). This will change in future releases.